March 13, 2008

Thank you for your participation in Saturday's auction!

Thank you all so much for your participation in the Mystery Silent Auction at the Global Feast on Saturday. Your bidding and donations are greatly appreciated. Thanks for helping us get to South Africa!!

Special thanks to those who bid and won:
Emily Miller
Chris Deacon – Won a wonderful Bubble Bath set!
Paula W. Strange
Gail Monsma
The Easons
Yohan Kim
Frances Adeney
The Hesters – Won a wonderful 12-pack of Coke Zero!
Johnny, Reagan, and Jonathan Hill
Beth Hilkerbaumer
Craig Tuck
Dave Felps – Won PCUSA Book of Common Worship…he’s United Methodist!
Deb Crawford
Heather Deacon
Frances Adeney

Your contribution toward our travel seminar is much appreciated!

1 comment:

Frances S. Adeney said...

The auction was a great success--quite a special addition to the global feast!
Special thanks to the donors of the Celtic earrings and the Berean Bookstore gift certificate. I am so appreciative of both auction prizes!

P.S. There is a good article on Capetown in the latest issue of the Smithsonian.