Langa township home.

Langa township children.

Langa township toilets.

Johnny Hill at "Gugulethu 7" memorial.

Bre Harmon with Langa children.

Botanical Gardens visit.

Lisa Hermann pointing out God's beauty to Bre.

Bre, Katie and Daniel having fun in sculpture garden.

Men returning from initiation rite in the bush.

Liziwi, owner of guesthouse in Gugulethu who housed and fed us.

Andrew, Gugulethu tour guide, at Amy Biehl memorial site.

Gugulethu children.

Iris Jasmin smelling African beer in welcoming ritual.

Gugulethu kids being kids!

Peter Storey, former Bishop of Methodist church in South Africa and key figure in fight against Aparthied and an all around beautiful child of God.


Emily Miller at Cape of Good Hope.

The Cape of Good Hope.

Gate at Robben Island.
Derrick, tour guide and former prisoner of Robben Island.

Nelson Mandela's prison cell.
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